Net FTE Jobs
Net New Businesses
Total Building Projects
Total Public & Private Investment
Volunteer Hours
Public Space Projects
During the pandemic Pennsylvania’s Main Streets were an essential link between State decisionmakers and resources and the needs of downtown communities. Main Street programming proved to be a vital tool not just for economic recovery, but also to create the pre-conditions, such as diverse business mixes and customer bases, that bolster economic resiliency. This report reflects the nuanced nature of local economies during a global health crisis. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to supporting downtowns in Pennsylvania and beyond, distributing ongoing resources, funding, and programmatic support is vital to the future economic resilience of businesses across the state.
The Designing for Distance (D4D) project was idea that came out of PDC’s COVID-19 Recovery and Resiliency Task Force, Public Space Working Group. PDC had an existing grant agreement with Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission (PHMC) to develop a Design Guidelines handbook, but when COVID hit, it became evident that there was an opportunity to develop something that could be more responsive to the needs of the communities, and the Designing for Distance project was born.
Join your revitalization partners for the Gather & Grow: Townies & Manager’s Meeting at the beautiful Omni Bedford Springs Resort on May 28-29, 2025! Hosted by the Pennsylvania Downtown Center, […]
Exciting news for Pennsylvania’s Main Street and Elm Street managers, business owners, community revitalization advocates, and local leaders! Registration for the highly anticipated Main Street Now (MSN25) conference is officially […]
The PA Downtown Center and Main Street America, in partnership with the PA Dept. of Community & Economic Development (DCED), are thrilled to announce the Main Street Now 2025 Conference […]