February 26 @ 8:30 am - May 29 @ 12:00 pm
Register Now for CRA: Cohort 2
The Community Revitalization Academy (CRA) is a series of five (5) workshops designed to provide first year Main Street managers, Elm Street managers, and other interested revitalization professionals with intermediate level instruction based on the Main Street Approach of the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Main Street Program and the Five-Point Approach of the Pennsylvania Elm Street Program. While these two programs have slight variations in the nomenclature and certain program activities, there is a high degree of consistency in the training required to effectively and efficiently implement these programs.
A fall and spring cohort are now being offered by the PA Downtown Center. The classes are a mix of in person and virtual. Information on class locations for each cohort is included in the registration information. The final workshop, Safe Clean & Green will take place during the PA Downtown Center’s annual conference with a celebration of completion during the Townie Awards event.
- Main Street Now Designated Programs: $250 for all 5 sessions (required)
- PDC Members: $400 for all 5 sessions
- Non PDC Members: $600 for all 5 sessions
COURSE DESCRIPTIONS & Dates for Cohort 2
Course 1: Organization – February 26 | 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Hosted in Harrisburg
During this course, organizational development for community revitalization is explored. Some topics that are explored include organizational governance, financial planning, and building community partnerships. The Organization Course will outline the foundation on which is needed to build community revitalization efforts.
Course 2: Design – March 26 | 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Hosted in Harrisburg
The design course tackles issues around physical Improvements and other design considerations. Topics that are highlighted involve the design committee’s roles, elements of design, facade renovation programs, parking issues, and zoning. Both Main Street programs and Elm Street programs will benefit from further presentations on curb appeal for neighborhood revitalization and visual merchandising for downtown merchants.
Course 3: Marketing – April 23 | 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Hosted in Harrisburg
Learn how to promote and develop your community through basic marketing techniques. Branding and identity issues are broadly and specifically addressed. How to implement special events programs in your neighborhoods and business corridors is also explored. You will also learn how to analyze market data and gather skills to help determine when your community is ready to implement transitional marketing. And no marketing session would be complete without some focus on social networking and media relations – this course has it all.
Course 4: Asset Enhancement – May 13-14-15 | 9:00-11:30 am | Hosted Virtually
The “Asset Enhancement” Academy, a combination of the economic vitality function of Main Street and neighbors and economy function of Elm Street, deals with the economic and social components of this triple-bottom line. The course will also explore how to link your community’s vision with your economic development strategy. Vacant lots, real estate, and social service organizations are other areas of concentration during this course.
Course 5: Safe, Clean & Green – May 28 | 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Hosted in Bedford
The foundation for any revitalization effort is ‘Safe, Clean & Green.’ Block watch concepts, crime prevention and clean-up programs are all explored. Creative ways to implement an environmentally friendly philosophy in your community is also explored in depth.
A light continental breakfast is available starting at 8:30 a.m. with a working lunch for in person meetings.
All academies (unless otherwise noted as being hosted virtually) are held at the Pennsylvania Downtown Center’s office in the Historic Harrisburg Association Meeting Room – 1230 North 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA.
Managers have two years from their hire date to complete the five-course CRA series. At least three sessions must be completed within the first cohort. Ideally, each cohort will be completed in over a period of 5 months. Missed courses can be made up during the following cohort. After two years’ time, a manager’s initial registration payment is no longer considered applicable toward the cost of this training series. If a manager pays the full course registration of $250 but fails to complete the CRA within two years’ time, a $100 fee will be charged for each additional session. Pennsylvania Downtown Center will not recommend a community for National Accreditation if the respective manager has not completed the CRA series in the specified time period. Additionally, a manager’s failure to complete the CRA series as prescribed will negatively impact the Annual Assessment of their program.