News & Alerts

Downtown Allentown wins Global Award for Excellence

November 15, 2017

The “Downtown Allentown Revitalization District (including PPL Center Arena Block & City Center Allentown)” was one of 13 real estate development projects worldwide to win the Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) 2017-2018 Global Award for Excellence, which is widely recognized as the land use industry’s most prestigious award.


PBS39 | FOCUS – Season 5, Episode 2

October 24, 2017

We focus on community and economic development. The United Nations eyes Bethlehem, PA as a world heritage site; one of the Lehigh Valley’s busiest commuter corridors marks a special milestone; and partners aim to restore a downtown Allentown neighborhood one building at a time.


PA Downtown Center Gala

October 6, 2017

Were you there? Are you here? Thank you Susquehanna Style for sharing in our celebration with style scene.


Kennet Square Bursting At The Seams With Unprecedented Growth

September 7, 2017

“The development activity in this town, and the interest in this town, is immense,” said Rusty Drumheller, the borough’s codes enforcement officer. Drumheller said many people have come to his office expressing an interest in Kennett Square.


Restored Historic Spa Rejuvenates Both Its Guests and Nearby Bedford, Pennsylvania

September 7, 2017

The eight mineral springs of Bedford, Pennsylvania have been a mecca of rejuvenation for over two centuries…and for thousands of years before that, when one includes the original Native American residents.​


Governor Wolf Visits West Reading

August 22, 2017

Governor Wolf was there to see revitalization projects funded by the state Department of Community and Economic Development in collaboration with the West Reading Community Revitalization Foundation’s Main Street program and the Elm Street program.


Governor Wolf tours revitalized Scranton neighborhood

August 7, 2017

“The state can’t, shouldn’t do everything,” the governor said. “This is really a community activity, but if the state can help and be supportive through things like the tax credits, like the Elm Street Program or the Main Street Program, we ought to be doing that. It’s really helpful to all of us to see success stories like this.”


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