

WalkWorks is a collaboration between the PA Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Downtown Center working to increase physical activity and reduce adverse health outcomes through environmental design.  To that end, WalkWorks promotes the creation, enhancement, and use of activity-friendly routes connecting everyday destinations throughout the Commonwealth.  Being able to get to daily destinations safely under your own power is one of the best ways to incorporate healthy levels of physical activity into our lives.  These healthy forms of personal mobility are collectively called Active Transportation.  Active Transportation includes walking, biking, using a wheelchair, connecting to transit, and otherwise using transportation means that are primarily human-powered and human-scaled.

PA communities have extensive and connected infrastructure networks for motor vehicles, but incomplete and unsafe Active Transportation networks.  To address these shortcomings and barriers to healthy physical activity in daily life, WalkWorks provides Technical Assistance (TA) and funding to communities for the development of Active Transportation Plans.  WalkWorks encourages communities to expand their walking and biking programming, education, and events as well as to adopt policies, like Complete Streets and Vision Zero Policies, that reinforce the value and validity of using active modes of transportation.

WalkWorks would like to work with you to make sure your community has safe, accessible, and inviting Active Transportation options for everyone!

Learn more about Active Transportation

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