Where Women Made History

Tell the Full American Story

We want to uncover and uplift women across the centuries whose vision, passion, and determination have shaped the country we are today.

Find 1,000 Places

Our goal: discover 1,000 places connected to women’s history, and elevate their stories for everyone to learn and celebrate.

We Need Your Help

Tell us where women made history by sharing a photo and short description of a place the world should know about.

Send National Trust for Historic Preservation a photograph and a short description of a place where a woman made history by clicking “Submit Your Entry” and filling out the form. Where possible, please include the name of the place in the “Title” field.

You can submit a picture (historical or current) of the place itself, or a picture of the woman associated with it. Be sure to upload a JPEG or PNG file (and read the guidelines and photo permissions and righ ts granted before you do).

All entries will be reviewed before they’re posted on their site, so it may take a business day for your entry to appear online.

Questions? Email webwork@savingplaces.org for help.

Click here to share your place.

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