Request for Proposals – Downtown Honesdale Revitalization Consultant

The Greater Honesdale Partnership (GHP) qualifies as a non-profit, tax-exempt entity pursuant to Section 501 (c) (6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. The purposes for which GHP is organized are to encourage the preservation and improvement of the downtown area of the Borough of Honesdale and positively influence the surrounding communities of Wayne County, Pennsylvania. GHP promotes and encourage implementation of more effective practices that will further the preservation and improvement of the downtown area, to include but not be limited to promotion and marketing, business retention, expansion, and recruitment, storefront, and public space design, and inter-organizational coordination, and other such interests as may be determined by the Board of Directors. GHP conducts seminars and other educational programs concerning the preservation and improvement of the downtown area to work with and assist other agencies, organizations, and officials of local business, economic development, and government in the preservation and improvement of the downtown area and to receive, administer, and disburse funds in connection with any activities related to the above purposes.

GHP is seeking a qualified consultant to develop a Downtown Honesdale Revitalization Plan (DHRP). The project is funded through Local Share Account – Monroe County, Department of Community & Economic Development for the commercial district within the Borough of Honesdale, Wayne County.

Over the past ten years, downtown Honesdale’s sidewalks, walkways, and bike lanes have deteriorated, making them unsafe. The once aesthetically pleasing steel power poles are at risk of tumbling and are currently being replaced with unsightly wooden poles. Honesdale had decorative banners attached to most pols. When one comes down the brackets that hold flags, banners and holiday decorations are removed with them. The result is a scattered uneven look. The sidewalks have buckled in some areas and in others disintegrating. An unsightly Main Street is detrimental to our economy and business growth; individuals want to reside and build businesses in an attractive area where streets are kept clean and safe.

Click here to download the full RFP.

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