Revolving Loan Funds & Grant Opportunities
How do we quickly deploy funds into our downtown’s? Managers are faced with having to explore new ways of doing things. Hear from two managers as to how they began on the road of creating grant opportunities and a revolving loan fund and if the results were what they expected. Mary Tate of PDC will review best practices and the steps for developing a local revolving loan fund. Recorded April 23, 2020
Virtual First Friday Events
In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, revitalization organizations throughout the Commonwealth are moving their First Fridays online. Join us to learn about Virtual First Fridays in Downtown Lebanon, Downtown York, and Philadelphia’s Old City District. Recorded April 21, 2020
Stabilizing our Corridors – Community Crowdfunding during COVID-19
In this presentation, Topiltzin Gomez (Chief of Staff of Honeycomb Credit) will help members better understand the ecosystem of COVID-19 small business financial relief resources and discuss the unique role that crowdfunding and investment crowdfunding can play in helping stabilize our Main Street communities.
Honeycomb Credit is an investment crowdfunding platform based in Pittsburgh, PA that enables everyday people to make debt investments in local businesses. In response to COVID-19, Honeycomb Credit launched a crowdfunded Small Business Relief Loan program to unlock low interest crowdfunded loans to businesses affected by the economic shutdown across the Commonwealth and beyond. Recorded April 15, 2020
Gift Cards & Online Business Presence: Programs, Initiatives, and Incentives
Please join your fellow revitalization experts from across the commonwealth as they share their programs and incentives for increasing online business presence in their Main Street programs. Recorded April 14, 2020
How Outdoor Recreation Strengthens Your Local Economy
Outdoor recreation generates $28.5 billion in economic activity in the state of Pennsylvania each year. Earlier this year the Pennsylvania Downtown Center undertook a comprehensive study to understand how the state’s natural assets can serve as an economic driver for its local communities. This session will summarize the study’s findings, including how outdoor recreation impacts the local and statewide economy and the ways in which Nature-Based Placemaking strategies can help direct spending from recreational visitors to local businesses.
Presented by Jon Stover, founder and Managing Partner of Jon Stover & Associates and Leslie Gray, AICP, this session will summarize the study’s findings, including how outdoor recreation impacts the local and statewide economy and the ways in which Nature-Based Placemaking strategies can help direct spending from recreational visitors to local businesses. Recorded July 13, 2021